This past Saturday was my Birthday. I guess late-twenties doesn't sound that bad, does it? Normally my age doesn't bother me. In fact, being younger than most is usually my problem. Not anymore!
The New Year is when people think about something they need to change, want to work on, or should have done better from the year before. For me, it's more about wondering who am I right now. Not who was I, who will I be, but rather who am I right now in this moment.
After much thought I have settled on this one thing...I am REAL. I am by no means perfect, but at the same time I am God's creation and therefore perfect in His eyes. I fail and I succeed. So many times I have tried to be this or that and have ended up frustrated by the result. Accepting the uncertainy of being REAL is always the first step. This realization sounds simple enough. But it was really a kind of difficult one for me.
My encouragement to you is to be REAL. Don't be afraid to succeed with happiness, fail without excuses, and to view yourself through God's eyes.
Growing UP is learning to look UP to find out who you are!