When faced with my first assignment and the thought of having to share my pictures in front of my peers I could only think of one subject that would work.......my boy! Now granted the pictures aren't the grand masterpieces I would have liked to present to my teacher....but the subject.....you can't get any cuter than this! I had fun shooting Elijah and learning new tricks with the camera. Not only was it good to get out of the "program mode" that I like to call home....but Elijah had a blast suggesting different poses. (what a ham......he gets that from his dad!) :)
Our class was working on panning a subject with a slower shutter speed to create a more life like
action photo. The image of Elijah on his scooter really captured the intensity he puts into his "ride". He suggested the fire pole at the playground and I was surprised by the image I got. My husband and I thought it almost looked like he was 3D and way in front of the other kids. I think this shot showed the action as well as a different depth of field than I had experienced in my other photos.

The black and white of my boy is well.......it's of my boy.....so it's of course one of my favorites. I like the fact that he isn't smiling and being goofy but has a model like expression on his face. I love capturing differences in his personality. Knowing I will always have these images to look back on makes me smile.......and cry!