Thursday, July 5, 2007


As I was listening to the sound of fireworks going off I realized that not everyone has the freedom we have here in America. The sound of loud explosions are apart of our celebrations not of our everyday lives. While certain events in our history have threatened our freedom it is not an everyday battle as in some countries. A lot of people gave their lives protecting our freedom and I am grateful for their sacrifice.

Yet there is another person that made a sacrifice for my freedom that I sometimes forget to celebrate. While there was a time in my life that I felt "fireworks" in my heart I sometimes forget to honor Him the way I would my country. Freedom is best used when it honors the one that gave you the freedom.

I pray that my freedom to practice religion would honor the sacrifice Christ made for me. I pray that my freedom of speech would honor that same sacrifice as well.


Here are some pictures I took over the weekend. I practiced my "creative" freedom and tried out a few new tricks. I hope you enjoy them.


Sarah said...

Wow! Wow! Wow! You truly have a gift sister, although the one with the little kid and the sparkler kind of freaks me out :)

Anonymous said...

Just Beautiful Miriam!!! You have such a WONDERFUL EYE!!! LUV YA!

Welcome to our crazy blessed life said...

Wow! What a display! :) Beautiful pictures and what a fantastic post. Thanks for sharing Miriam!

Kevin said...

w00t! your skills are progressing as i have forseen...soon, you will join the darkside! muahahaha!