Going through life is much like driving on a country road. The peaceful scenery and gentle curves that cause the sleepy Sunday drive feeling can change in an instant. One minute you are dreaming of swinging from a tire swing to cursing the stray possum and fowl odor of the freshly squished skunk. But then that passes and your back to rocking on the front porch watching the passing storms. How does the song go......"Life is a highway...." I think that my life is more like a country road, with hills, valleys, and lots of distractions along the way!
I must say that there isn't any way I could go through this life with out the support and encouragement I get from my husband. I have never liked "driving" alone and I thank God everyday that the person in the seat besides me is Justin. While I tend to hold back and read all the directions before starting out, Justin reaches for the keys and asks for directions along the way. (well figuratively) I doubt each turn but he NEVER doubts me.
When You Come Back Down (by NickelCreek)
"You got to leave me now, you got to go alone
You got to chase a dream, one that's all your own
Before it slips away
When you're flyin' high, take my heart along
I'll be the harmony to every lonely song
That you learn to play
When you're soarin' through the air
I'll be your solid ground
Take every chance you dare
I'll still be there
When you come back down
When you come back down
I'll keep lookin' up, awaitin' your return
My greatest fear will be that you will crash and burn
And I won't feel your fire
I'll be the other hand that always holds the line
Connectin' in between your sweet heart and mine
I'm strung out on that wire
And I'll be on the other end, To hear you when you call
Angel, you were born to fly, If you get too high
I'll catch you when you fall
I'll catch you when you fall
Your memory's the sunshine every new day brings
I know the sky is calling Angel, let me help you with your wings
When you're soarin' through the air I'll be your solid ground
Take every chance you dare I'll still be there
When you come back down
Take every chance you dare, I'll still be there
When you come back down When you come back down
Photography is a new road for me. Following something I love and giving it my all not knowing what the outcome will be is a new road as well. When you pick up a camera and start shooting you don't always know what the result will be. But until you take a step of faith and shoot you never know the awesome joy it is to capture the emotion of a moment. Whether it is photography, music, or writing.....find something to take a chance on! And don't forget to look beside you and thank God for the people He has placed in your life to catch you if you fall!
Thanks Justin......for being willing to help me with my wings............
Beautiful! Beautiful!Beautiful!...Just Like you!
Nice work Miriam! I'm gonna have to take that class too.
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